Look Back at Events
WiCyS Utah is growing and so are the conferences and events. Here is a look at some of the fun and exciting past moments and events. Together we will continue to expand opportunities to reach out, network, and support our Utah cyber community.

Oct 2022 - SaintCon
Dennis Taggart, Hailey McCormick, Shalini Kesar, and Sherrie Cowley presented at SaintCon 2022 on Lead Like There is No Limit. A presentation designed to encourage believing in yourself and supporting many skills and diverse ways of thinking in cybersecurity.
View the recorded presentation on Youtube: https://youtu.be/ychNIiE7y7k
Nov 2022 - Majoring in the Minorities
WiCyS Utah supported One Refugee, SLCC, Moms Who Code, and Club Ability in the Majoring in the Minorities Tech Conference to encourage and celebrate diversity in tech and cybersecurity. Speakers included: Nikki Walker, Anika Alcala, Juliette Bautista, and Sherrie Cowley.

Dec 2022 - Adapting to Change
Kristina Belnap, the new CISO for HealthEquity, shared her experiences leading to her new position and advice for the future with students at Southern Utah University and WiCyS Utah members.
Feb 2023 - SheTech
SheTech Explorer Day is an annual event with 3000+ high school girls in attendance celebrating and learning about STEM fields. WiCyS Utah presented a cybersecurity workshop and crypto challenge titled "Hack Like a Girl".

April 2023 - BSides SLC

Liz Benegas and Sherrie Cowley from WiCyS Utah presented on Mastering Incidents, where they walked through the benefit of having an incident response plan closely planned with your General Counsel. We also participated in a Women In Tech panel and breakfast on the last day of the conference. We are excited by the number of participants and interaction in both events.